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Mesh clamps

Cod. L19134    MEASURE

Polyamide (with fiberglass) clamp for mesh locking.

Color: RAL 7039

Weight: 0.030 kg

The distance of 10 mm of the panel from the profile makes the protection completely washable.

Code New Code Use Code profile
L19133A +
B1050-001953 +
Type 1 A 40709
L19134A +
B1050-001955 +
Type 1 A 40710
L19133B +
B1050-001954 +
Type 2 A 40709
L19134B +
B1050-001956 +
Type 2 A 40710

Cod. L19133A

Support for panel blocking

Cod. L19133B

Support for panel blocking

Cod. L19134A

Support for panel blocking

Cod. L19134B

Support for panel blocking

Cod. F10541

Stainless steel socket head cap screw M6x40

Cod. F11956

Stainless steel hex. nut M6

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